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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Next Generation Sustainable Content Bio Foam

This application provides a sustainable alternative to conventional petroleum based foams - at a lower weight and cost with more design flexibility. Caster based foam provides for a lower molded density and ability to be foamed in as little as 4 mm cross sections, and superior bond strength to mating materials. Foam in place tooling, where a cast PVC, TPE, or TPU skin is placed in the mold with a hard plastic retainer and the foam is injected between these two components, is used for processing. A weight savings of 20 - 40% (depending on foam thickness) and a cost savings of $2 per average foamed in place instrument panel is achieved.

Ford Motor Company
2018 Ford Fusion
System Supplier
International Automotive Components
Material Processor
   International Automotive Components
Material Supplier
BASF Corporation
Elastoflex 3496/102 Resin, 113/4 Iso PU

For More Information See: http://www.plastics-car.com/Recycling/Life-Cycle-Use-Phase-of-a-Cars-Life

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